Wednesday, December 14, 2011

For the month of December Breathe Again Magazine will be offering special discounted rates on all radio commercials.
Support our mission to help minister to men and women suffering in silence. We want our listeners to know they are not alone in their struggle. Our guests made it and they can too! After the tears and after the pain, you too, can laugh again,love again, live again – Breathe Again!
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Nicole Cleveland
Author of "So He Cheated, Now What?"
Healing Marriages  - One Page at a Time

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Questions for a Father (Figure) from a son.

5. What helped you to find the right track?

A Son Needs a Dad...

to wrestle with him in the grass.
Your #1 goal as a teenager is to prepare for a life independent of your parents. Your parents #1 goal is to equip youfor life independent of them. You have to tranfer your independence on them, to a dependence on Christ.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Questions for a Father (Figure) From a Son

4. What would you do differently?

A Son Needs a Dad...

4. to teach him to be a gracious winner as well as a gracious loser.

Angry Sons

You will be accepted if you respond in the right way. But if you refuse to respond correctly, then watch out! Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you, and you must subdue it." Genesis 4:7 (NLT)

Why are our sons so angry? Boys, young men, let's talk for a minute. Open your heart, open your mouth, whisper, talk, yell, scream, fuss, and cuss if you have to - but you have to get it out. Get it out right now, before you explode. Find someone to talk to, before it's too late. Don't say there is no one, and ju give up. There is someone. You just keep convincing yourself that they would not understand.

Maybe someone hit you and pissed you off, maybe someone touched you inappropriately. Maybe someone hit or touched someone that you love. You've may have been abused verbally and made to feel like you are no one, and would never be what you once believed you could be. If you look closer at the word believe, you have to be careful not to focus on the center of the word, L.I.E. Don;t believe the lie. You are a KING. You hae orth and value. Despite your mistakes and inexperience. Despite what you did and said, you are forgiven.

When we found angry sons in the bible, they murdered thier brothers, raped their sisters, sold their brothers into slavery, and even worse. When we are not able to reach these young men early and often enough, this is what we can come to expect even today. We have to take some time to listen. Be available to them. Be there for them.

Guys, be encouraged, and know that the is a listening ear, and a shoulder to rest upon. The one decision you make in the spur of the moment, out of your anger, can cause you to lose your life and your freedom, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sin happens when there is opportunity, temptation, and pressure. Soethng really bad is waiting for you to blow your top. don't lose control. find someone to talk to today, before it's too late.


"Why do the teen years create so much conflict between you, your parent(s), and your siblings? During your high school career you, your parents, your teachers, your coaches, and your pastors all have a common goal: to equip you to lead a happy, Christ-centered life. So if everyone has the same goal, why all the conflict."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

God has a purpose for your life!

Questions for a Father (Figure) From a Son

3. Are you happy or disappointed in the way your life has turned out?

A Son Needs A DAD…

3. to give him someone who can be playful and silly

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Difficult Decade

Between the ages of 16 and 26, your life will change more dramatically and more often than during any other period of your life. You can start now to take a lot of the "difficult" out of that decade.